Main Characteristics of Sound Absorbing Panels BetonAcustik
The Sound Absorption Panel BetonAcustik in high density beton wood (1350 Kg/m³) and with an high compressive strength (9.000,00 KPa), has the peculiarity of having also an excellent noise reduction.
Thanks to its structure characterized by small holes of diameter 12 mm, away from 30 / 32mm is an excellent sound-absorbing material for interior walls, sound barriers (also motorway), public buildings, such as:
museums, offices, libraries, all places where it is necessary for acoustic values remain within certain limits.
The panel is made with high quality materials, working with the most advanced technologies, undergoes strict process controls, CE marked.
Main Characteristics of Sound Absorbing Panels BetonAcustik
The panels are made from sheets in BetonAcustik cementolegno perforated so as to obtain excellent acoustic performances. With their round perforations distributed throughout the panel or only on the sides, the panels BetonAcustik can be combined with each other resulting in harmonious decors and personalizzati.
Le main characteristics:
- · Significant noise reduction;
- · Combustible (A2 according to the Standard DIN 4102);
- · Weather resistant;
- · Thanks to its physical and mechanical characteristics, the product is considered as one of the best materials for construction of light weight;
- · esente da formaldeide e privo di amianto, asbesto, inchiostri riciclati etc.;
- · lavorabile con utensili da legno;
- · insetti e funghi non sono in grado di attaccarlo o danneggiarlo;
Package And Trasportation of Sound Absorbing PanelsBetonAcustik
• delivery of the material is normally done by trucks, considering the high mass of the pallet is recommended that the recipient has suitable equipment and mechanical lifting with minimum flow rates of 35/40 quintals for unloading goods;
• it is advisable to deposit the plates overlapping one another and so matenerle in a horizontal position, with supports square section and minimum distance of 80 cm;
• the transport of the individual sheets must take place for cutting, never horizontally;
• avoid direct exposure to sunlight and adequately cover the material to avoid excessive accumulation of dust;
• the pallets are equipped with an upper plate of protection, which must be repositioned from time to time above the other tables and ballasted superiorly to prevent distortion of the plates to below it.
Storage of Sound Absorbing Panels BetonAcustik
A proper storage is important for the correct conservation of the material:
It is advisable to place the plates one above the other on wooden beams square. To avoid warping, should be provided intermediate supports.
The total length of the boards must be supported by wooden beams positioned in at least four points with uniform distances. The maximum spacing between the timber supports, must be 800 mm.
When carrying individually sound absorbing panels BetonAcustik, take them by cutting, like a sheet of glass.
The stack should be well covered with cloth or paper to avoid dust.
The stack must also avoid the formation of moisture coming from the ground.
Avoid storage of boards on edge.
Having exhausted partially the pile, the table of protection must be rearranged and replaced by a ballast to cover the pile and avoid distortion of the tables above.
Avoid storing the boards construction on the usual side.
Avoid direct exposure of building boards to sunlight during storage.
Material properties of Cement Bonded Particle Boards
- Degree of humidity after air-conditioning:
- Bending strenght:
- Tensile strenght perpendicular to board:
- Modulus of bending strenght 1 stc:
- Modulus of bending strenght 2 ndc:
- Swelling of thickness:
- Change of lenght and width effected by humidity:
- Coefficient of thermal expansion:
- Conduction of heat:
- Coefficient of resistance to vapour penetration:
- Air-permeability:
- Freezing resistance:
- Airborne sound insulation:
- Ph-value on surface:
- 6% - 12%
- min. 9.0 N/mm²(q)
- min. 0.5 N/mm²(q)
- 4500 N/mm²
- 4000 N/mm²
- 1,5% 24 hours wetting
- max 0,3% at a temp of 20°C upon rel humidity increasing from 25% to 90%
- 10/K - 5/k
- 0.26 W/mK
- 22.6
- O,133 l, m² Mpa
- there is no noticeable change
- 30 dB at a board of 12 mm of thickness
- 11